Sunday, April 5, 2020

Gratitude Journal, Looking at Week Four

This week was a lot. I mean, a lot! Some good, some not-so-good, some downright crazy and some serious AtHomeItis. (Totally a word.)

I've now watched all the current seasons of Returning the Favor and ugly cried pretty much every time. Let's label it catharsis. Also, I don't like Mike Rowe anymore. (So not true because I just bought his damn book.)

Just we've almost approached a sort of routine for E has Spring Break this week. I can't even with this ish.

I can sum up the totality of our situation with a quote from E as I was vibing a little Jo-Bro tonight, singing "What a Man Gotta Do" and naturally had to dance. Chris may have joined and and over our singing and dancing, E remarked, "And this is how I die. In quarantine, with my parents dancing."

We are killing this parenting thing, Covid-19, and homeschooling...all in one booty shake.