Thursday, February 28, 2019

For My Other Family

During the last few years I worked at a wonderful gym in Delaware, Fusion Fitness Center. I was a client there before I became an employee and I think that says a lot about ANY kind of business but especially a gym.

Over the years, these 'gym friendships' became family - Fusion Family. (It's legit, we even made a hashtag and everything.) Whether we knew each other from kickboxing, small group training, or just regular visits to the gym, it was amazing the way we grew to be integral parts of each other's lives.

We celebrated victories, shared condolences, told off-color jokes, commiserated over burpees and laughed over who forgot what workout item that day. (Bras & shoes were at the top of that list.)

Right before my family moved back to California, Fusion closed its doors. 12 years of sweat, spandex and love ended and we are all still grieving the loss of such an incredible place. The really beautiful thing is that we KNEW how special it was...even in the midst of sled pushes or muscle-ups or that crazy mile run down Main Street.

The unassuming building tucked back in the corner of a parking lot was a safe place. An inclusive place. A place where all you were required to do was show up and you could find a workout buddy, a class to push you, or simply a hug when you most needed one.

I am pretty sure there will never be another place like it. #fusionfamily

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Stupid Pluots

I had such a great weekend! Spent some time with my brother, his wife, and his oldest in her chosen spot in the world. Lovely time to reconnect, laugh, and just be together.

I also gave my brother our dad’s watch - the one I most remember him wearing. It’s not fancy at all but something sentimental I knew my brother would appreciate. I had it cleaned & gave it to Matt as an early birthday gift. It was everything I hoped for - a moment for us to remember dad gently, without the searing pain that accompanies sudden loss.

Then we came home and stopped by the supermarket. 

There was a whole display of pluots that are apparently in season and my dad was totally into hybrid fruits and vegetables. He grew some on his own and relished the experimentation process. I especially remember him talking about the science of pluots…a blend of plum and apricot. He loved that dumb fruit.

The memory did me in.

I just pushed the cart around the store as my husband and daughter placed their items inside. I don’t even really remember the rest of the shopping…or the ride home. 

It’s funny how the smallest remembrances overwhelm you with grief. ANY loss is hard - but the sudden ones are a gut punch that leave you gasping for air. And sometimes those punches hit you at the grocery store and you can do nothing but try and keep breathing.

2 months and counting. I really miss you dad.