Thursday, December 20, 2018

Bittersweet Homecoming

Over the last couple months I've packed up my family, most cherished household items and special mementos. Everything else we sold or donated. Then last Saturday December 15th, my little family of three relocated to California.

We shipped most things and drove our two cars filled up with everything else. We were on the road for 4-ish long days.

On Tuesday night, December 18th, on the side of the road in New Mexico, I found out my father had died. While it was sudden, it was not completely unexpected. He'd been in poor health while struggling mightily with addiction.

It's still not real. I suspect it never will be.

Yesterday as I crossed into California, I made a phone call to heaven...

Hey Daddy, it's Wednesday afternoon, December 19th. I finally made it back to California to live! I guess I just missed you. I love you the most, Juj

Saturday, December 8, 2018

"Going Back To Cali"

Once we made the decision to move back home CA - and move before Christmas - my family was immediately sucked into a vortex of paper. House sale documents, school records, medical files, move get it. It's odd to me in the era of everything-in-an-instant-internet, we still spend hours completing paperwork. And if I'm honest, my handwriting stinks. It really does. If illegible handwriting was the main criteria rather than math or science, I'd have 'Doctor' attached to my name.

I've got several open notes on my phone...things like 'remember to return viola after Winter Orchestra Performance' and 'don't forget extra dog food for the trip.' Those are the easy ones though, because without a doubt I'll remember something crucial and we'll be in Amarillo TX and can do nothing about it. I just keep telling myself, "This is an adventure, enjoy the journey!" (Maybe I'll even believe it at some point.)

A friend texted the other day and asked how I was holding up. I replied, "I had fast food for dinner and just poured myself a giant glass of wine in a paper cup. You tell me."

Countdown to move: 6 days